How do I redirect my syllabus to a URL?
If you have an existing syllabus available online, you may want to redirect the Sakai syllabus to point to that web address. Keep in mind that ideally the URL should be publicly accessible so that it doesn't require secondary authentication for viewing. Some institutions or departments post course syllabi online. Pointing to an institutional or departmental syllabus means that you don't need to edit and maintain the document in Sakai.
Go to the Syllabus tool.

First, select the Syllabus tool in the Tool Menu of your course.
Click Create/Edit.

Upon first accessing the Syllabus tool, it will be empty. Click the Create/Edit button.
Click Redirect.

Click the Redirect button.
Enter the URL.

Enter the URL of the page to which you would like to redirect your Sakai syllabus. Be sure to enter the entire web address, including the http:// at the beginning.
Then, click Save to save your change.