How do I grade Tests & Quizzes?
Most question types in Tests & Quizzes are automatically graded by the system. However, you will need to manually score short answer/essay items, file uploads, and audio recordings. You may also adjust the auto-graded scores, add comments, or give partial credit.
Go to Tests Quizzes.

Select the Tests & Quizzes tool from the Tool Menu of your site.
Select the Published Copies tab.
Click on the Published Copies tab to view the assessments that have been released to students in your site.
Go to the assessment submissions.
Select the Scores option from the drop-down menu for the assessment you would like to grade.
Alternately, you may also click on the number of student submissions in the Submitted column to view the submissions.
Enter score adjustment and comments.
To make a grade adjustment to the overall assessment score:
- Enter a positive or negative score into the Adjustment column to add or subtract points from the student's overall score.
- You may also enter comments in the Comments for Student column if you like. Students will see these comments when they view the assessment feedback.
- Scroll down to the bottom of the list and click the Update button to save your changes.
Note: The Final Score column will display the adjusted score after you save your changes.
Grade by student.
If you would like to grade an individual student submission, click on the student's name.
View and enter grades/comments for the individual student.
The individual student submission will be displayed, showing all of the questions and answers for that student. You may enter or modify comments and points for any of the questions in the assessments as needed. You may also add attachments to provide additional feedback for a particular question if desired.
Save your changes.

Be sure to scroll down to the bottom and click Update to save your changes!
Grade by question.

If you prefer to grade all of the student submissions for one question at a time, click on the Questions link in the assessment menu.
Select the question and enter grades/comments.
All of the student responses will be displayed by question. To grade by question:
- Select the question number that you would like to grade from the list of question numbers at the top.
- Enter the score for each student for the selected question.
- Enter comments and/or add an attachment in the Comments for Student column if desired.
Save your changes.

Be sure to scroll down to the bottom and click Update to save your changes!