Where can I go to get more help with Sakai?
There are lots of place to learn more about Sakai! Check out the following support resources.
Review the Longsight Sakai Documentation

Sakai documentation developed by Longsight is available at: http://longsight.screenstepslive.com/
You may search any of our available content for specific topics if you are looking for help with something in particular.
Context-sensitive help.

Context-sensitive online help is available throughout Sakai. Look for the little blue ? icon in the upper right corner of each tool menu. That is the Help icon. When you click on the icon, the Sakai online help will open in a new window and take you directly to the appropriate content for the tool you are currently using.
Contact your local technology support staff.
Your local technology support staff can be a great resource for additional information and instruction in using Sakai. Be sure to contact your campus support office for customized documentation and training provided by your institution.
Browse documentation created by other institutions in the Sakai community.

A number of institutions using Sakai have created excellent collections of resources for Sakai users. These are just a few examples.
Visit the Sakai Wiki on Confluence.
Community information, email listservs, collaborative groups, and project information for Sakai are all available on the Sakai Wiki: https://confluence.sakaiproject.org/display/CONF/Welcome+to+the+Sakai+wiki
Visit the Sakai YouTube Channel.
Check out the Sakai YouTube channel for a collection of free video screencasts, webinars, and other recordings on Sakai tools and best practices for teaching with Sakai. We will be adding resources continually, so check back often for new content!
Visit us on YouTube at: http://www.youtube.com/SakaiCLE