What is the Rich Text Editor?
In most areas of the system where text can be entered, you can control the appearance of your text using the rich-text editor, sometimes called a WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Get) editor. The rich-text toolbar has icons for editing and formatting your text. You may use the rich text editor to include images, links, audio and video as well as text.
Note: Pasting text into the rich-text editor should preserve most formatting, but some types of formatting, such as colored text, may need to be added manually in the editor after pasting.
The rich-text editor is based on an open-source application called CKEditor. For more information on the CKEditor, you may also refer to the CKEditor 4 Documentation Site.
Rich Text Editor Toolbar

The Rich Text Editor toolbar contains an array of icons. See What actions can I perform using the Rich Text Editor icons? for more information on individual icon functionality.
Note: Some configurations may not have all of the above tools and some may have additional tools.