Longsight Support PortalSakaiProfileHow do I search for and add connections?

How do I search for and add connections?

Go to Profile.

Select the Profile tool from the Tool Menu in My Workspace.

Click Search.

Or, you can also go to Connections to view/search from there.

Or, you can also go to Connections to view/search from there.
  1. Click Connections.
  2. Then, click Search for Connections.

Enter your search terms.

Enter your search terms.

Enter a name or keyword to search for, and then click the Search button.

Note: Optionally, you can choose to search by name/email, or common interest. You may also include current connections, or limit the search to a particular course by selecting it from the drop-down menu.

View search results.

View search results.

Search results will display at the bottom of the screen.

Add connections.

Add connections.

Click the Add as a connection link to send a connection request to the selected user.

Connection request confirmation.

Connection request confirmation.

You will receive a notice letting you know that the user you have contacted will have to confirm the request before being added as your connection. To proceed with the connection request, click Add connection.

Pending requests.

Pending requests.

Note: Once you have sent a connection request to someone, you will see the text "Connection requested" displayed for that user until they accept or ignore the request.