Longsight Support PortalSakaiResourcesHow do I unhide files or folders?

How do I unhide files or folders?

There are 2 methods Instructors can use to un-hide (show) files or folders.

Method 1: Select files or folders / Show

Method 2: Actions / Edit Details / Show

Go to Resources.

Select the Resources tool from the Tool Menu of your site.

Method 1: Select the file(s) or folder(s), then click Show.

Method 1: Select the file(s) or folder(s), then click Show.

This displays the Show Items Confirmation page.

Click Show again to confirm.

Click Show again to confirm.

Items are now visible.

Items are now visible.

This returns the display to the Resources page with the selected items available.

Method 2: Click Actions, then Edit Details.

Method 2: Click Actions, then Edit Details.

To unhide a file or folder, to the right of the file or folder, from the Actions drop-down menu, select Edit Details.

This displays the Edit Details page for the item.

Select Show this item, then click Update.

Select Show this item, then click Update.

Under Availability and Access, select Show this item, then click Update.

Item is now visible.

Item is now visible.

This returns the display to the Resources page with the selected item available.