How do I modify a Lesson or Module?
Go to the Lessons tool.

The Lessons tool may have a different name in your site depending upon what you decided to label it when you added it to your course. In this example, we labeled our Lessons tool "Unit 1". Click Unit 1 (or the applicable label) in the Tool Menu to go to Lessons.
Edit page content.

If you need to make a change to any of the content or links on your page, select the Edit link next to the item to make those changes.
Reorder items on the page.

Since items on the page appear in the order added by default, you may need to reorder your content items so that they follow the desired sequence. Click the Reorder button to change the order of items on the page.
Click to select the item you want to move.

Click and hold on the item you want to move. The selected item will be highlighted in gray and you will see an arrow-crosshairs icon where your mouse is located.
Drag and drop the item and Save.

Drag the item to the desired location in the list and then release. As you drag, the highlight on the selected item will change to pink, and a horizontal line will appear to indicate where in the list your item will be moved. You may reorder additional items if you choose.
Click the Save button to save your changes.
Note: Be careful when dragging items to the bottom of the list, as dragging them below the bottom "---" marker will delete them from the page!
Copy items from another page.

Sometimes you may want to copy content items from one page to another. To copy items from a different page, click the Reorder button.
Click the Add items from another page link.

Select the page with the content to be copied.

Select the radio button next to the page that contains the content you want to copy. Then, click the Use selected item button.
Move the items to be copied.

Content items from the other page will show up at the bottom of the list, below the "---" marker with an asterisk * next to the item number. Drag the items you want to copy above the "---" marker to move them onto the page you are currently editing.
Save your changes.

After you have moved all of the items you want to copy onto the current page, click the Save button to save your changes.
Note: Copying items does not remove the original item from the original page or location; it creates a duplicate of the item/link.
Delete page content items.

To delete an item of content from a page, select the Edit button to the right of the item, and then click the Delete button in the edit item window.
Note: Deleting links to resources, quizzes, assignments, or forums does not remove the original item; it just removes the link to the item from Lessons.
Remove or delete pages.

To remove a link to a subpage, select the Edit button to the right of the subpage link, and then click the Delete button.
Note: Deleting a link to a Lessons page or sub-page does not delete the page itself. In order to permanently remove a Lessons page from your site, you must do so in the Index of Pages.
Permanently delete the page.

Click the Index of pages button in the top Lessons menu.
Select the page/s to be deleted.

You may only permanently delete pages if they are no longer in use. Any pages which are no longer in use (i.e. no other page refers to them) will be listed at the bottom of the Index of pages. Place a check mark in the box next to any unused pages that you would like to delete, and then click on the Delete selected pages button.
Note: Pages deleted from the Index of Pages are permanently removed from your site. There is no trash or recycle bin; once these pages are removed, they cannot be retrieved.