How can I make lists of items accessible?
If you think of a vertical series of items as a list, you should include it in your page as a numbered or bulleted list. Screen readers can identify lists; for example, a bulleted list containing two items may begin: "List of two items. Bullet 1."
Create a numbered list.
To create a numbered list in a document, click the Insert/Remove Numbered List button. This button has a picture of the numbers 1 and 2, each followed by lines that represent text. If you have already entered text in the editor from which you want to create a list, select the text, then click the button.
Create a bulleted list.
To create a bulleted list in a document, click the Insert/Remove Bulleted List button. This button has a picture of two bullets, each followed by lines that represent text. If you have already entered text in the editor from which you want to create a list, select the text, then click the button.