What is Membership?
The Membership tool in My Workspace displays the list of sites in which a user is currently enrolled.
Users may search their enrolled courses or enroll in a joinable site from the Membership tool.
Note: Unpublished sites are only visible to site managers (i.e. instructors or admin users).
Go to Membership.
Click on the Membership tool in the Tool in My Workspace to access your list of sites.
Viewing current sites.

You will see a list of all the sites in which you are currently enrolled.
- You may sort by Worksite or Description by clicking on the column heading.
- You may also search your list of sites by keyword. This is useful if you have many sites and would like to limit the list by a specific criteria.
Joining Sites.

- If you would like to view and join sites that are open for self-enrollment in the system, click on the Joinable Sites button.
- You may click on the Join link to enroll yourself in any of the joinable sites listed.
Note: Joinable sites may or may not be available depending on the enrollment procedures determined by your institution.
Unjoining sites.

If you join a site by mistake, or you no longer wish to be a participant in that site, you may unenroll yourself from the site by:
- Selecting the check box next to the site name.
- Clicking on the Unjoin button.
Note: You may only unjoin, or unenroll, from sites in which you have self-enrolled.