How do I view my messages?
Go to Messages.
Select the Messages tool from the Tool Menu in your site.
Go to Received folder.

Select the Received folder to view a list of your received messages.
Open the message.

New messages will appear in bold text. Select the subject of the message you would like to view. In this case, Unit 1 Exam is selected.
Note: The paperclip icon next to the message indicates that there is a file attached.
View the message.

The contents of the message will appear. The following options will also be available to you:
- Reply. Select Reply to reply to the original sender with a message of your own.
- Reply to all. Select Reply to all to reply to the original sender and any other course members included on the message.
- Forward. Select Forward to forward the message to another member of the course.
- Move to folder. Select Move to folder to move the message from one folder to another.
- Delete. Select Delete to delete the message.
- Open an attachment. Select the file name to open an attachment. In this case, Exam 1.docx is selected.