Longsight Support PortalSakaiDelegated AccessHow do I search users in Delegated Access?

How do I search users in Delegated Access?

In the Delegated Access tool, you can search for any user in your Sakai instance, so you can then add, edit, or remove access permissions for a particular user. There are two ways to search for users:

Search by user--search by user name or user ID  

Search by hierarchy--search all users by access permissions for particular hierarchy nodes

Go to Delegated Access tool.

Go to Delegated Access tool.

Select Delegated Access from the Tool Menu of the Administration Workspace or in your own Home area.

Search by user.

Search by user.
  1. Click the Search by User button.
  2. Enter a user name, user ID, or email address. Click Submit Query or hit "enter" key.

Tip: Alternatively, click the Search by Access button and then select user id. Enter the user ID (user name will not yield results). Click Submit Query or hit the "enter" key.  

View user settings.

View user settings.

To view all access settings for a user you have searched for, click the View Access link for that user.

Search by hierarchy.

Search by hierarchy.
  1. Click Search by Access.
  2. Select hierarchy (default selection).
  3. Drill down to specific hierarchy node levels, as appropriate. With each hierarchy node you select, another menu displays for selecting that node's "child" nodes. Check the box for Include lower levels to view all child nodes for a particular node.
  4. Click Submit.

View access by hierarchy

View access by hierarchy

Your search results will include the following information:

  1. User ID
  2. User name
  3. Type of access permission (Access Admin, Shopping Admin, Site Access)
  4. Site role when accessing site
  5. Restricted tools when accessing site
  6. Hierarchy node level for access permission
  7. All parent hierarchy nodes
  8. Links for viewing, editing, removing access permissions