Longsight Support PortalSakaiExternal ToolsHow do I add an LTI tool to a site as an admin?

How do I add an LTI tool to a site as an admin?

Go to External Tools.

Go to External Tools.

Select the External Tools link from the Tool Menu in the Administration Workspace.

Click Tool Links.
Click the Create Tool Link.

Select a tool from the drop-down list.

Select a tool from the drop-down list.

Note: Only previously installed tools will appear in this list. If the LTI tool you would like to add does not show up in the list, you need to install the LTI 1.1 or LTI 2.x tool first.

Enter the site information and save.

Enter the site information and save.
  1. The Site ID is required.
  2. (Optional) Select a Custom Icon for the tool.
  3. (Optional) Specify a Resource Handler for the tool.
  4. (Optional) Check the box to Add Site Link. This will place a link to the tool in the destination site's Tool Menu.
  5. Click Save to save your settings.
View tool links to sites.

Once you have added the tool link, you will see it in the list of tool links to sites in the system. One tool may have many links if it has been added to several sites.