Longsight Support PortalSakaiSakai 10 Instructor GuideLessonsHow do I embed an image on a Lessons page?

How do I embed an image on a Lessons page?

Go to Lessons.

Click on the Lessons Page Title (e.g. Unit #1) in the Tool Menu to display the page.

Note: The default or blank Lessons page contains text and images that explain the basic functionality of the Lessons tool.

File upload: Click Add Content, then Embed content on page.

File upload: Click Add Content, then Embed content on page.

From the Add Content drop-down menu, select Embed content on page. This displays the Embed Content dialog box.

Click Browse.

Click Browse.

Locate and select the file on your computer.

Locate and select the file on your computer.

Click on the file you would like to upload to select it and then click Open.

Click Save.

Click Save.

View embedded image.

View embedded image.

After saving, you will return to the Lessons page with the image embedded.

To add a description of the image, click on Edit.

To add a description of the image, click on Edit.

This displays the Edit Multimedia dialog box.

Add a description.

Add a description.

Enter a description in the Item Description text box and then click Save.

Notice the image file location.

Notice the image file location.

Note that the image file was automatically uploaded to your Resources in a folder with the same name as the Lessons page.

Linked image: Click Add Content, then Embed content on a page.

Linked image: Click Add Content, then Embed content on a page.

From the Add Content drop-down menu, select Embed content on page. This displays the Embed Content dialog box.

Enter a URL.

Enter a URL.

Paste the image URL in the box marked "URL", and then click Save.

View embedded image.

View embedded image.

After saving, you will return to the Lessons page with the image embedded.

To add a description for the image, click Edit.

To add a description for the image, click Edit.

Add a description.

Add a description.

Enter a description in the Item Description text box and then click Save.

Notice the image link location.

Note that a URL link to the image has been added to a sub-folder named "urls" located in the Lessons page named folder.