How do I add extra credit to a non-weighted Gradebook2?
The Gradebook2 tool does not allow scores above the maximum value. For instance, if grading by Points, and the maximum point value is set to 150, you cannot assign a score of 155 points. If grading by Percentages, you cannot assign a score of 105%. If grading by Letter Grade, you cannot assign a score of A++.
Some instructors may want to award extra credit either as an addition to an existing grade or as a separate extra credit assignment.
The method of adding extra credit is slightly different depending on whether the gradebook is "non-weighted", "non-weighted categories" or "weighted categories".
It is also slightly dependent on whether the gradebook is scored by "points", "percentages" or "letter grades".
In all instances of adding extra credit, it is important to look at the total number of possible points that can be awarded for the semester to a student and base your extra credit calculations on how will it affect the final Course Grade.
Go to Gradebook2.
Select Gradebook2 from the Tool Menu in your site.
Right-click the name of the Gradebook and select Add a new grade item.

This displays the New Item panel on the right.
Non-weighted gradebook: Scoring by Points
Enter Extra Credit Item Information, then click Add/Close.

- Enter a Name for the Extra Credit item
- Enter a Points value for the Extra credit Item. When scoring by points make this value the maximum extra points you want to be able to add to the overall Course Grade. Any points awarded to a student on this grade item will be added to the total number of points earned by the student.
- Include this Extra credit item in the running Course grade calculation.
- Indicate that this item is "Extra Credit". That is, students are not required to be graded for this item and any grade given to a student for this item can only positively affect their Course Grade.
- Check Release Scores to let students see their scores and statistics for the item. Note: Usually, this is kept unchecked until the instructor is ready to release the item scores to the students. Instructors can always return to these settings and change the "Release Scores" setting later.
- Important: Do not check Give ungraded no credit for an Extra credit item. Students that do not perform extra credit should not receive any grade for this item.
- Click Add/Close to add the Extra Credit item and close the New Item frame.

With this set-up, when a score of "2" is given to a student on the extra credit item, it is the same as adding 2 extra points to the student's total cumulative score of points.
Tip: You might want to have a single "Extra Credit" item and just increase the awarded score as needed through the semester.
Non-weighted gradebook: Scoring by Percentages
Enter Extra Credit Item Information, then click Add/Close.

- Enter a Name for the Extra Credit item
- When scoring by percentages, leave this point value at 100. Any percentage awarded to a student on this grade item will result in that number of points add the total number of points earned by the student.
- Include this Extra credit item in the running Course grade calculation.
- Indicate that this item is "Extra Credit". That is, students are not required to be graded for this item and any grade given to a student for this item can only positively affect their Course Grade.
- Check Release Scores to let students see their scores and statistics for the item. Note: Usually, this is kept unchecked until the instructor is ready to release the item scores to the students. Instructors can always return to these settings and change the "Release Scores" setting later.
- Important: Do not check Give ungraded no credit for an Extra credit item. Students that do not perform extra credit should not receive any grade for this item.
- Click Add/Close to add the Extra Credit item and close the New Item frame.

With this set-up, when a score of "2%" is given to a student on the extra credit item, it is the same as adding 2% extra points (2 points on a 100 point scale) to the student's total cumulative score of points.
Tip: You might want to have a single "Extra Credit" item and just increase the awarded score as needed through the semester.
Non-weighted gradebook: Scoring by Letter Grade
Enter Extra Credit Item Information, then click Add/Close.

- Enter a Name for the Extra Credit item
- Enter a Points value for the Extra credit Item. This is a bit difficult when the gradebook is set up for letter grading as there is no 1 to 1 relationship between a letter grade and a point. We recommend, if you are grading by Letter Grade to enter the highest maximum number of extra credit points you want to give in reference to an existing grade item (for instance "4" points) and grade the student with an "A+" on the Extra Credit item, which will add approximately 4 points (actually 98.333% of 4 points) to the total number of points earned by the student.
- Include this Extra credit item in the running Course grade calculation.
- Indicate that this item is "Extra Credit". That is, students are not required to be graded for this item and any grade given to a student for this item can only positively affect their Course Grade.
- Check Release Scores to let students see their scores and statistics for the item. Note: Usually, this is kept unchecked until the instructor is ready to release the item scores to the students. Instructors can always return to these settings and change the "Release Scores" setting later.
- Important: Do not check Give ungraded no credit for an Extra credit item. Students that do not perform extra credit should not receive any grade for this item.
- Click Add/Close to add the Extra Credit item and close the New Item frame.

With this set-up, when a score of "A+" is given to a student on the extra credit item, and the point value for the extra credit item is set to "4", it is the same as adding 3.933 points (.98333 X 4) to the student's total cumulative score of points.
Tip: You might want to add multiple "Extra Credit" items; one for each time you want to give extra credit through the semester.