How do I connect the Test & Quizzes tool to Gradebook2?
The Gradebook2 tool can be connected to the Test and Quizzes tool so that grades scored in the Test & Quizzes tool are displayed in the Gradebook2 tool.
Note; If you connect a Test or Quiz to the Gradebook2 tool, you cannot add (or edit) the student's grade in the Gradebook spreadsheet column. All grades come from Test & Quizzes tool. Grades can be adjusted in the Test & Quizzes tool under Published Copies > Select Actions > Scores.
Go to the Test and Quizzes tool.

Select Tests & Quizzes from the Tool Menu in your site.
Go to the assessment settings.

Under the Working Copies tab, for the selected assessment, click Select Action, then select Settings.
Send grades to gradebook.

Under Grading, select Grades sent to Gradebook.
Note; If you connect a Test > Quiz to the Gradebook2 tool, you cannot add (or edit) the student's grade in the Gradebook spreadsheet column. All grades come from Test & Quizzes tool. Grades can be adjusted in the Test & Quizzes tool under Published Copies > Select Actions > Scores.
Click Save Settings.

Publish the assessment.

Under the Working Copies tab, for the selected Assessment, click Select Action then click Publish.
Click Publish.

This places a copy of the assessment under the Published Assessments tab.
Go to Gradebook2.
Select Gradebook2 from the Tool Menu in your site.
Notice the listing for the Test and Quizzes assessment.

By default, the assessment item is placed in an "unassigned" category (if you are using categories) and it is displayed in Blue, which means that the grades can be see in the gradebook as soon as they submit the quiz.
Right-click the name of the grade item and select Edit this grade item.

This displays the Edit Item panel on the right.
Change the Category to the Selected Category, then click Save Close.

Note: as an alternative, you can drag and drop the grade item into the proper category, however, this does not work well with some browsers.