Longsight Support PortalSakaiSakai 10 Instructor GuideLessonsHow do I add additional top-level Lessons pages?

How do I add additional top-level Lessons pages?

Instructors can add additional top-level Lessons pages. Top-level Lesson pages are listed by name in the Tool Menu and can operate independent from other top-level Lesson pages or be connected to other top-level or subpages in a sequence.

Additional top-level Lesson pages can be added either from Site Info > Edit Tools or from within an existing top-level Lessons page.

Click Site Info.

Click Site Info.

Select the Site Info tool from the Tool Menu in your site.

Click Edit Tools.

Click Edit Tools.

Check Lessons.

Check Lessons.

Click Continue.

Click Continue.

Name the new Lessons page, then click Continue

Name the new Lessons page, then click Continue

Click Finish

Click Finish

This returns the display to the Site Information page with the new top-level Lessons title listed in the Tool Menu.

To view and edit the new Lessons page, click the name of the page in the Tool Menu.

To view and edit the new Lessons page, click the name of the page in the Tool Menu.

Or, on an existing top-level page, click More Tools, then Add More Pages.

Or, on an existing top-level page, click More Tools, then Add More Pages.

From the More Tools drop-down menu, select the Add More Pages option.

Note: The More Tools drop-down menu only displays on top-level Lessons pages.

Add a page title, then click Save.

Add a page title, then click Save.

Saving returns the display to the Lessons page with the new discrete Lessons title listed in the left Tool Menu.

To view and edit the new Lessons page, click the name of the Lesson in the Tool Menu.

To view and edit the new Lessons page, click the name of the Lesson in the Tool Menu.

Click Index of Pages to view all pages.

Click Index of Pages to view all pages.

View the page hierarchy.

View the page hierarchy.

This displays the hierarchy of the top-level and subpages.