Longsight Support PortalSakaiSakai 10 Instructor GuideResourcesHow do I copy a Resources file or folder from one site to another site?

How do I copy a Resources file or folder from one site to another site?

Instructors can copy a Resource file or folder from on site to another site.

Go to Resources.

Select the Resources tool from the Tool Menu of the destination site.

Click Copy Content from My Other Sites.

Click Copy Content from My Other Sites.

This displays the Resource folders located in your other sites.

Select the files or folders you would like to copy, then click Copy.

Select the files or folders you would like to copy, then click Copy.

This places the Resources page into a temporary display state to facilitate the copying of files (Click reset to cancel).

Click the clipboard icon.

Click the clipboard icon.

To the right of the folder you want to copy the files or folders to, click the clipboard icon.

View copied files.

View copied files.

This places a copy of the files or folders into the Resources folder on the other site.