Longsight Support PortalSakaiSakai 10 Instructor GuideWeb ContentHow do I create a Web Content link to a web site?

How do I create a Web Content link to a web site?

Go to Site Info.

Go to Site Info.

Select the Site Info tool from the Tool Menu of your site.

Click Edit Tools.

Click Edit Tools.

Select the Web Content tool.

Select the Web Content tool.

Place a check mark in the box next to Web Content, and then click Continue.

Enter the web site information.

Enter the web site information.
  1. Enter a title for the Web Content tool (which will display in the Tool Menu).
  2. Enter the URL for the web site.
  3. Click Continue.

Click Finish.

Click Finish.
View the new Web Content link.

Click the new item in the Tool Menu to view the link. This displays a re-launch page with a link to the web site. The page should open automatically in a new window. Clicking Re-launch page in a new window will also open the web site in a new browser window.