Longsight Support PortalSakaiSite InfoWhat is the User Audit Log?

What is the User Audit Log?

The User Audit Log displays manual enrollment and user update information for your site. If anyone adds a user, removes a user, or changes a user's role in the site, a log of the change will be noted here.

Note: Currently this log displays add/remove/update events, for manually updated events only. It does not display automated course enrollment activity such as events handled via Web Services or other SIS integration.

Go to Site Info.

To access this feature, select the Site Info tool from the Tool Menu of your site.

Click User Audit Log.

Click User Audit Log.

View event information.

View event information.

The following information will display:

  1. Name: The name of the user account that was modified.
  2. User ID: The user id of the user account that was modified.
  3. Role: The role of the user account that was modified.
  4. Date: The date and time that the change was made.
  5. Event: The type of change that was made to the account (i.e. add user to course, remove user from course, or update user role).
  6. Source: The name and user id of the account that initiated the event.

Note: You may sort by any of the columns by clicking on the column heading. Click on the heading again to sort in the opposite direction (ascending/descending).